Extracts from 'The Memoirs of a Nobody' by Fredrick W Brooks (1917-1999)

Railway Recollections

London Midland - Willesden

signalbox interior

On 3 March 1982, I was allocated to the position of Signalman Class 'C' at Brent Sidings, Willesden. In the final week before I retired I was asked to relieve at West Ruislip. Before the London Midland Region took over, this a Western Region box. I retired on 10 July 1982, after serving British Railways for thirty years, twenty-six of them as signalman and relief signalman. At all the signalboxes where I worked, after learning, I was always on my own which I liked. Very occasionally I had to help another signalman to learn the box I was in, but not very often.


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