Extracts from 'The Memoirs of a Nobody' by Fredrick W Brooks (1917-1999)

Railway Recollections

London Midland - Cricklewood


I was appointed as relief signalman in February 1969, based at Cricklewood, but was unable to start the job until November as they had no one until then to learn and take over my job at Elstree. One of the first signalboxes I learned was Silkstream Junction, on the slow line between Mill Hill and Hendon. The slow lines are diverted a little away from the fast lines and at Silkstream Junction the up and down goods line are connected with points from the slow line. The goods lines go over a bridge, over the fast lines, then carries on behind Hendon signalbox and station and on to a signalbox that I think was called Welsh Harp and which was at the entrance to Brent South Sidings and Brent Junction No. 2.

Dudding Hill signalbox

Another signalbox in the Cricklewood area which I learned and in which I relieved when required was Dudding Hill Junction. This was close to Gladstone Park and when I worked there I usually went by Metropolitan and Jubilee line trains to Dollis Hill from where I had a short distance to walk. Dudding Hill Junction connected two goods line routes, one from Brent Junction No. 2 in the north direction and one from Cricklewood Junction southwards. Most of the trains were freight from and to the various Regions, but about three cross country passenger trains ran once a week, mostly Saturdays, from and to the Eastern Region and the Southern Region. Beyond Dudding Hill Junction, in westerly direction, is Neasden Midland Junction signalbox.

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